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Understory Enterprises

Ameerega pepperi

Ameerega pepperi

Regular price $250.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $250.00 CAD
Sale Sold out
Ameerega pepperi - Abiseo: $250.00

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Live arrival of any plants or feeder cultures will not be guaranteed if you do not choose next day or two day shipping.
This species was discovered as recently in 2005 and is distributed sporadically throughout the watershed of the Huallaga river from approximately Campanilla in the north to Tocache in the South.  The dorsal colouration of the species Ranges from a vibrant yellow in the north to an intense orange red in the south of its range.  In the wild it lives closely associated with quiet streams and can be found in disturbed habitat.  Care in captivity is akin to Ameerega trivitatta and bassleri.
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