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Understory Enterprises

Ranitomeya imitator

Ranitomeya imitator

Regular price $125.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $125.00 CAD
Sale Sold out
Ranitomeya imitator - Chazuta: $100.00
Ranitomeya imitator - Varadero: $125.00
Ranitomeya imitator - Yurimaguas: $125.00
Ranitomeya imitator - Baja Huallaga: $125.00
Ranitomeya imitator - Green: $140.00
Ranitomeya imitator - Banded: $150.00

All domestic (Canadian) frog shipments must be shipped with Reptile Express. These shipments have to be booked by us directly with Reptile Express and thus we are not able to offer the direct online purchasing for the frogs at this time. Please email us or call to place an order for frogs.

Of all the poison frogs we work with, imitator has to be the most charismatic and charming to observe in a vivarium. Extremely bold, and constantly active, these hardy frogs are well suited to both beginner and experienced keeper. Endemic to Peru, this frog is primarily a lowland frog distributed throughout the watershed of the lower Rio Huallaga. Montane populations exist within the Cordilleras Escallera and Azul. A splendid amount of phenotypes are represented within the species, with some populations demonstrating a staggering degree of intrapopulational variation.

These frogs thrive in captivity in small colonies and breeding is easily achieved once animals reach sexual maturity, usually in less than six months. Though they are small frogs, they will make use of all the vivarium space provided them.

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